My friend, you could be neutral or full-on bleh about people dressing up for Halloween, but when it comes to halloween dogs, our hearts sing in unison – AWWWW!

Harry Pawter, Rawr Weasley, and Dobby for the win.

To the Dogwarts!

Elite Daily

Oh, Venom buddy, almost scared me right there.

New York Cliche

Spooky pumpkins. Give treats please?

I dare you to out-cute these minion dachshunds.

Vittles Vault

Spooky comes in all shapes and sizes.

New York Cliche

How many outfits are cuter than this? Nun!

One kiss coming right up.

Whoa, where this prince came from?

New York Cliche

Bruno Mars and Cardi B puggo drippin’ in finesse.

Elite Daily

I got the halloweenies. Booo!

Pug of Chucky! Hella scary.

New York Cliche

Woof Woof, we mean boo boo.

Like you don’t even need to do much, just put a sheet on your dog, and you have the cutest ghost in the world ready to spook within seconds.

The Dog people

I’m sure the one in the middle is wearing a costume, ’cause no way God made something this cute!

Jack Spa-rawr. Eh, matey.

Elite Daily

This is hands-down the cutest video I’ve seen today.

Look at that elephant go.

You’ve heard of spider-man, now meet spider-dog. It will ensnare you in its web of cuteness.

Doggo filling taco. Take all my money!  



Do ye know any good pirate jokes? Well, neither do ayyyye!

Doggo Eleven with Eggo is not the strangest thing here.

Elite Daily

My heart, my heart.

Cuteness explosion!

This Dog’s Life

Trick or treat, please?

Health Day

The real superheroes this world needs!

Saving the world, one cutesy at a time.

Vittles Vault

The old granny has a wisdom for you. Please do hear – Never ever skip an opawrtunity to crack a pun, good or otherwise.

Hear, hear!

This Dog’s Life

Awww. I can never tire of looking at Doggy Potters. 

“We’re sorry, but you’re in the wrong doggitory, hufflepup.”

Vittles Vault

Martini and awwlives? Now we are talking. Two of my favourite thangs in the world. 

Vittles Vault

Spooky divers.

Vittles Vault

Okay, heart. That’s all. My world is better already. Happy Halloween, y’all. Get a boo.