It was the height of insensitivity when a group of people in a Karnataka village forcefully separated a young elephant calf from his mother just because they wanted to click selfies with it.


The incident happened in Kurubarahundi village in Chamarajanagar, Karnataka, where three elephants entered the village looking for food. Villagers tried to shoo them away by shouting and bursting crackers. 

While the adult elephants rushed back into the forest, the young calf couldn’t catch up with them and got left behind alone.  


When the young calf couldn’t find its mother anywhere, it began crying. Still, the villagers gathered around it and began clicking photos. Even though the mother hadn’t gone too far into the forest, she was scared of so many people and didn’t return to take the young one back. 

Finally, when the forest officials arrived, they found the little elephant in a traumatised state. They took it to the office and calmed it down. 


Forest officials are now camping in the village, hoping the mother returns for the young one.