It really is true, a dog is a man’s best friend. And we certainly don’t need any proof of the phrase (it’s pretty much a fact). Unfortunately, this heartbreaking image from Kyiv, Ukraine seems to be doing just that. Proving to us that dogs are the best and most loving companions to all of humanity.
Disclaimer: The image below is slightly distressing, please proceed forward with care.

This image was published by a European media organization, and in their tweet, they mentioned how the owner of the dog was killed by Russian forces. Since then, the dog has refused to leave his side and has been sitting by him like a true friend.
The dog does not leave its owner, who was killed by the #Russian invaders. #Kyiv region.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 4, 2022
On seeing the tragic image, netizens flooded the internet with sentimental posts about the pupper’s sense of loyalty and love and the sadness that war crimes often leave behind.
It’s excruciatingly painful watching the atrocious pictures time and again but that is exactly why I will keep retweeting #RuSSianwarcrimes. People must know and see for themselves crimes committed by #Putinwarcriminal and the #RuSSianarmy. Only then those guilty will be punished
— Sjoerd Nolf (@SjoerdNolf) April 5, 2022
Heartbreaking 💔
— jo braithwaite (@symplicitymusic) April 5, 2022
My emotions exceed my ability to comprehend this brutality…😪
— khaneli (@pixi_kh) April 5, 2022
Make it stop. I can’t imagine living through what Ukrainians are facing.
— Michael Self 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 (@NoteFromSELF) April 5, 2022
Do not look away 💔💔 #IStandWithUkraine️
— Having Said That 🗣 (@Lalaej) April 5, 2022
Pup isn’t even DISTRACTED by photographer…..😭🤮🤬#JUSTICEforUKRAINE🇺🇦#FREEDOMforUKRAINE🇺🇦@NYCACC @chortletown @KeithOlbermann @PLBDKB @TomJumboGrumbo @ASPCA @RSPCA_official
— Sydney Linton (@SydAlexMom) April 5, 2022
Man murdered by #Russian soldiers. His dog refuses to leave his body. Dogs grieve way more than we humans do. If you want to understand true love then watch animals.
— Sabyasachi Patra (@indiawilds) April 5, 2022
How can any army see this person as an enemy?
— Ulf Malmström (@ulfarson) April 5, 2022
Damned barbarians.
💔Unbearable #BuchaMasacre
— ceci✡️eli🌻🌹self-portrait in a convex mirror (@cecily_eli) April 5, 2022
Heartbroken. 💔
— Karen G. (@mdp_MamaK) April 5, 2022
This is just heartbreaking!💔 the loyalty of a dog is unmatched.
— Vasanthi Kumar (@strawindia_VK) April 5, 2022
Horrible. Heartbreaking
— Granite Snowman (@Granite_Snowman) April 5, 2022
— Comrade Shailendra (@ComradeShailen1) April 5, 2022
The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog. ❤
I can’t stop thinking about this one. Heartbreaking.
— P G Antioch (@PGAntioch) April 5, 2022
Truly heartbreaking. Another Hachiko story we wish didn’t exist.