Dove’s latest Facebook ad shows a black woman changing into a white woman after apparently using their body wash. Understandably, this ad has caused some major backlash against Dove on social media.

The ad has been pulled down by Dove, but not before it was called out for racism by people all over Twitter and Facebook.

People are talking about how soap companies have been doing this and getting away with it.

Dove has apologized for the ad and said that they missed the mark in their representation of women of colour.

But people called out Dove’s bluff here again saying they have done it in the past as well and it is not just an ignorant mistake.

According to BBC, Dove added later in a statement: “This did not represent the diversity of real beauty which is something Dove is passionate about and is core to our beliefs, and it should not have happened.

“We have removed the post and have not published any other related content. We apologise deeply and sincerely for the offence that it has caused.”