The majority of us dislike dry days for the lack of alcohol. Which is why, it’s always better to know when they are so we can prepare and stock up in advance. So, Pune people, here is a list of all the dry days in Pune in 2019 that you should be aware of in advance because a dry day can ruin all your plans. So, why take a chance? Scroll down to see the list and visit the nearest liquor shop. You can thank us later.

1st May: Wednesday: Maharashtra Day 

18th May: Saturday: Buddha Purnima

5th June: Wednesday: Eid-Ul-Fitr

12th August: Monday: Eid-Ul-Juha

15th August: Thursday: Independence Day

17th August: Saturday: Parsi New Year

2nd September: Monday: Ganesh Chaturthi

2nd October: Wednesday: Gandhi Jayanti

8th October: Tuesday: Dussehra/Vijaya Dashami  

27th October: Sunday: Diwali 

28th October: Monday: Laxmi Puja

10th Novemeber: Sunday: Eid-e-Milad

12th November: Tuesday: Guru Nanak Jayanti

25th December: Wednesday: Christmas 

Don’t let a dry day ruin your plans.