Doctors are now front line soldiers in this battle against an invisible enemy, Coronavirus. They are working beyond their capacity. So, to deal with stress, exhaustion, and sadness, they have come up with a unique solution: dance it off.

With these light-hearted dance performances, they are lifting up their spirits as well as ours. Take a look:

1. An Iranian nurse dancing with a lively human spirit

2. An Iranian medical staff dances like there’s no tommorow

3. Give it up for Iranian medical staff dancing on their traditional music. 

4. Doctors and nurses of Israel’s Ichilov hospital have made this incredible dance video. Yay! 

5.  Healthcare workers in Madrid channel their inner Beyonce to fight the pandemic in style.

6. Can’t shake hands, but these amazing healthcare professionals know how to dance off their feet

7. Dr. Jason Campbell (also known as “Tik Tok Doc”) and team channel their dancing talent to cheer up everyone.

8. Dancing to boost the team’s morale and mental health . Wah Doctor Ji Wah

9. What could be better than a doctor dancing to cheer up COVID-19 patients

10. Dr. Saddam Hussain is dancing with COVID-19 patients in Punjab, Pakistan. 

11. NHS medical staff are enjoying a beautiful moment

12. Emergency Room Medical Staff relieving stress with a little dance

13. Britain’s NHS staff are winning hearts in style.

14. Medical staff in Wuhan, China dancing on Beyonce’s track

15. Many medical staff in Iran have accepted the dance challenge and the results are astonishing  

16.  Iranian doctors and medical staff keeping their spirit high through dance

17.  Patients and medical staff in Wuhan entertained themselves by dancing at a makeshift hospital

What do we say to the God of Death?
Not Today