On January 16, BJP’s now CM candidate Kiran Bedi addressed workers in an attempt to energise and invigorate the party ahead of the Delhi Elections. Judging by the looks on the faces of senior party leaders, however, we don’t think she quite succeeded.

Reminiscent of a cranky school teacher, Bedi rebukes her audience multiple times, asking those who are not interested to leave altogether. We wouldn’t be surprised to find that the workers actually took her up on her offer. She goes on about other amusing things, momentarily distracted by “murmurs” from her listeners, while ex-AAP leader Shazia Ilmi looks as confused as I did in Math class.

“Look at me!”, Bedi orders during her speech. Ma’am, we’re only distracted trying to wipe away our tears of laughter.


Hold on, BJP. #Lolmax