Unlike Ranbir Kapoor who charms the audience with limited and calculated words, father and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor has never been hesitant in voicing out his opinion. Apparently, Senior Kapoor reached out to an official who works at the Prime Minister’s office, Jitendra Singh to aid his son’s film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil during a meeting.


Economic Times reports a chance meeting of actor Rishi Kapoor and Jitendra Singh, where he expressed his views on how Ae Dil Hai Mushkil should not suffer because of Pakistani actor Fawad Khan, as during the shoot India and Pakistan shared a cordial relationship.


Speaking to Economic Times, Jitendra Singh said, “Rishi Kapoor did not give me any representation… he only expressed his view as a senior member of the film industry. He was also concerned as his son stars in the film. He said any guideline regarding Pakistani actors can be applied henceforth.”

Ae Dil Hai Mushkil will finally have a peaceful release on 28th October. 

Watch the trailer:

(Feature image source: Facebook)