Way before Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone put India on the global entertainment scene, it was the gorgeous Aishwarya Rai who first won over the world. From winning the Miss World pageant to starring in a number of Hollywood productions and walking the Cannes red carpet year-after-year, Ash has been India’s global face for over a decade now. 

But what if we told you that long before her Hollywood debut, Aishwarya was already ruling the TV screens all over South Africa? And along with her was the beautiful Sonali Bendre, prancing through the exotic gardens of the East?

No, we are not talking about a movie that you might have missed! Turns out, back in the day, Aishwarya and Sonali teamed up for an advertisement for an ethnic clothing brand called Radha’s



The TVC features Aishwarya and Sonali, impeccably dressed in sarees from the brand, looking like true Indian beauties. But it’s the voice over that cracks us up! With a ‘firangi’ accent, “Radha’s” becomes “Radda’z” and “Punjabis” becomes “Pinjabis“. And what’s with Ash’s obsession with the peacock feather? While her outfits keep changing, that feather finds its way back into the frame, every single time!



The ad, however, brings back memories from the ’90s in the cutest way possible. Both of them look absolutely beautiful! 

To be honest, we would’ve surely shopped at Radha’s, had we seen this ad back in the day!

You can watch the ad here: