Taher Shah – the renowned Eye-To-Eye-guy – released his new single called ‘Angel’ a few days back and it was… 50 shades of strange, to say the very least.

*shudder* I mean, really strange.

And while we were still recovering from the (literally) haunting melody, the costumes and the creepy faces, someone went out and focussed on the bizarre lyrics of the song!

This someone was none other than the ever-awesome Pakistani actor, singer and overall funny man Ali Zafar! Yep, he did a dramatic poetic reading of the lyrics of ‘Angel’ and he bloody nailed it.

Psst. He even got the Taher-Shah-special pronunciation of the word ‘Angel’ pat down. All of this while sounding reee-diculously hot, btw.
‘Cause what’s hotter than a man with his sense of humour? Answer: A man with his chiselled jaw.
And thankfully he has both! *swoon*
Check out the video right here:
Thank you for making our day. You, Mr. Zafar… Are our AN-gel.