Laakhon Mein Ek, a web series created by Biswa Kalyan Rath, shows the pressure imposed on most Indian students, directing their career choices to either being an engineer or a doctor.
After the successful run of the first season of Laakhon Mein Ek, Amazon Prime Video announced the launch of its second season, and you can stream it live from April 12.
While season 1 of Laakhon Mein Ek, was about IIT students; season 2 is all about a student battling all odds in a medical college to fulfill her dreams. ‘Cause you know it’s not just exam pressure that women have to deal with, they also have to fight stereotypes that the society loves to impose!
The show is as real as it gets! Also, the lead character is played by the very talented Shweta Tripathi and we know that she aces these roles, just like she did in Haraamkhor.
This video, announcing the launch of season 2, is sending across a powerful message against stereotypes that continue to exist in our society.
Watch the video below:
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