The internet is a mean, mean place. And trolls are to internet what relatives are to people of ‘marriageable’ age in our country. Annoying, with lots of unwanted advice.

Just yesterday, Dimpy Ganguly was trolled for giving birth to a baby. And now, a lowlife tried to target MTV VJ and actor Anusha Dandekar. 

This happened after Karan shared an adorable picture with Anusha, a while ago. 

My favourite girl in my favourite colour! Edible 😈😘

A photo posted by Karan Kundra (@kkundra) on

What do you see in this picture? 

Two extremely good looking people looking happy together, right? But that’s not what the trolls saw. A lowlife called out Anusha for being a ‘prostitute.’

It’s extremely disturbing to see how celebrities today have become soft targets for internet harassers. 

But Karan Kundra, being the gentleman that he is, stood up for his girlfriend and gave a piece of his mind to the troll:

Here’s what he said:

We fail to understand how some people can find faults and target hard-working people going on about living their lives happily. 

Caption this!

A photo posted by Karan Kundra (@kkundra) on

Dear Karan and Anusha, we hope you guys ignore the haters…

Happiness sunshine drive my battak 🐤#Repost @vjanusha ・・・ So I know I’m late, I just couldn’t find time between my shoot to watch the #Roadies #Finale… I finally did & I have to tell you… I was on the phone from LA throughout the journey with Karan & I would hear how challenging, tiring & emotional it got but couldn’t imagine it until I saw… I know Karan’s team performed & held their own till the end, it’s not easy being the under dog & targeted all the time, so I congratulate each & every one of them… Honestly though, you just can’t get through it unless you have a leader that not only inspires, motivates, strengthens, spreads positivity, feels pain when you do, stands tall even when you can’t & most of all teaches you to dust it off, shake it off & try again. All this whilst playing honest, staying honest & with a full heart of kindness! Imagine I get to be with this man every day, how lucky am I?! He deserved to win hands down, he is the perfect leader, a kind soul & genuinely a great guy. Congratulations baby, so so proud… My love @kkundra ❤️

A photo posted by Karan Kundra (@kkundra) on

….and continue doing the amazing things that you do!