Atrangi Re trailer dropped on Wednesday bringing forth truly out of ordinary characters played by Akshay Kumar, Sara Ali Khan and Dhanush. As a love story that promises to be a whiff of fresh air, the trailer does introduce us to a tale that won’t go down like the usuals. The film helmed by by Aanand L. Rai, has Sara Ali Khan as Rinku, a woman who seems to be pursuing two love interests.
Ever since the star cast was announced, the huge age gap between Sara Ali Khan and the leading actors have been talk of the town. The actress here is 26 and the two male actors Akshay (54) and Dhanush (38) are playing her lovers.
However, this trend isn’t new to Bollywood and the industry needs to do better. Despite the Indian audience expressing its concern, Anand L Rai was quick to defend it. Reportedly, he told Mid-day that a filmmaker has “small expectation that people wait and understand”.
We have a habit of judging people. I want people to watch the film for two hours, and react to it thereafter
-Aanand L. Rai
Set in Bihar and Madurai, this story unfolds after Dhanush’s character is abducted to get forcefully married to Rinku, played by Sara Ali Khan. However, the short trailer shows that this ride won’t be a smooth one when Akshay Kumar, who is playing a magician, enters the scene.
In the later parts of the trailer, it does seem like a moment picked up from Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam as Dhanush finds out that he might have to help the woman he loves reunite with her love interest.
Checkout the trailer here:
Reportedly, the actress has a double role in the film and we might come across an unexpected twist. Atrangi Re will premiere on Disney+Hotstar on December 24.