Avengers: Endgame was a masterpiece. It was the perfect grand finale to a decade-long build-up that began with Iron Man in 2008, carrying forward through 21 movies and finally concluding with the most magnificent cinematic spectacle from The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

We just realised the best movie from the MCU was actually released 4 years ago today. Yes, Avengers: Endgame hit theatres worldwide on 26 April 2019. While time has flown by faster than Quicksilver, these 21 chilling scenes from the movie continue to evoke the same powerful emotions we felt in the cinema hall:
1. Right at the beginning, when Clint loses his family after Thanos snaps his fingers

2. Captain Marvel saving stranded Iron Man from the deep space

3. A devastated Thor killing Thanos out of vengeance
“I went for the head.”

4. When a rat accidentally rescues Ant-Man from the Quantum Realm after five years

5. That moment when Iron Man returns Captain America his shield

6. Bro Thor

7. Hulk’s dramatic meeting with The Ancient One

8. Captain America vs Captain America

9. Thor’s final goodbye to his mother

10. Tony’s heartfelt conversation with his father during the Time Heist

11. When Steve spots his long-lost love Peggy during the Time Heist

12. When Black Widow sacrifices herself for the Soul Stone

13. BOOM!
*gasps in horror*

14. That moment when Captain America lifts Thor’s Stormbreaker

15. Captain America, Thor, Iron Man vs Thanos

16. Avengers Are BACK!

17. That hug!

18. That moment when Iron Man sacrifices himself to end Thanos
This. Was. Heart. Breaking.

19. Iron Man’s funeral
Never have I ever cried the way I did in this scene.

20. When aged Captain America passes on his shield to Falcon, The New Captain America

21. When Captain America finally dances with his love at the end of the grand film
Ah, the full circle!

Avengers: Endgame – A Timeless Masterpiece.