Celebrities are slightly different from the people that make them celebrities. And no matter how much they claim to be like us, they are not. Case in point:
1. Musician Kesha wears a necklace made out of placenta because it apparently helps her with her psychic abilities.
My placenta. My mom found in my basement, crushed up, and made into a necklace that I wear every day to improve my psychic abilities.

2. Sarah Jessica Parker of Sex & The City fame, likes the smell of diapers, even the wet ones.
I love the smell of diapers. I even like when they’re wet and you smell them all warm like a baked good.
-Sarah Jessica Parker
No idea, what the baby (could be old people too, at this point IDK) eats but diapers just don’t smell like cookies!

3. Jamie Dornan stalked women on the subway to get prepared for a film. Pretty sure, that’s a crime, buddy!
The first series, I did do a couple of things to try to get inside [his mind]. On the tube, which is our underground system… I, like, followed a woman off the train one day to see what it felt like to pursue someone like that… It felt kind of exciting, in a really sort of dirty way.
-Jaime Dornan

Keep your method acting within your own four walls, man! This is just terrifying!
4. Angelina Jolie and her ex-husband Billy Bob Thronton used to wear vials of each other’s blood because they thought it would be romantic… like vampires.
She thought it would be interesting and romantic if we took a little razorblade and sliced our fingers, smeared a little blood on these lockets… From that we were wearing quart jars of blood around our necks… And we were vampires and we lived in a dungeon.
-Billy Bob Thornton
For this generation, that watched Eternals‘ Angelina Jolie, boy, you have no idea about this goddess of the old!

5. Clueless star Alicia Silverstone once posted a video of how she feeds her son, Bear. And it’s definitely not what you are thinking. She feeds him like a bird, from her mouth to his.
I fed Bear the mochi and a tiny bit of veggies from the soup…from my mouth to his… It’s his favourite…and mine.
-Alicia Silverstone

Thankfully she is a millionaire, so the kid will get all the help he’ll need when he grows up.
6. The legendary Nicolas Cage used to have a pet octopus and an Albino King Cobra.
Cage also got himself some antidote in case he got bit by the Cobra, he didn’t want to die immediately.

Hey man, not gonna complain. If I had all that Ghost Rider money, I would probably hang out with bears.
7. The man from Two & A Half Men, Charlie Sheen not only believes in the Loch Ness Monster, he actually tried to catch it once.
There was an event at the top of the water that was crazy… Why not? If people talk about something for, like, 200 years, it’s got to be there, right?
-Charlie Sheen

To be fair to Charlie, it’s not the craziest thing he’s done. As a matter of fact, this is as mild as Sheen gets.
8. Lady Gaga didn’t have sex for a while because she believed, probably still does, that someone could steal her talent through… sex.
I’m quite celibate now… I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone they’re going to take my creativity from me.
-Lady Gaga

Look, it’s an individual choice. Also, she is Lady f***ing Gaga!
9. Ayushmann Khuranna used to drink his wife, Tahira Kashyap’s breast milk by mixing it with his protein shake.
In her book, Kashyap says:
My boy (Ayushmann) was relaxing in the bedroom having his protein shake. I asked him about the curious case of the missing breast milk and he smirked while chugging his shake and wiping his milk moustache.
-Tahira Kashyap

I told my therapist, I will be less judgemental of people’s choices but it’s just so difficult in this line of work.
10. Deepika has a habit of watching people and staring at them for long stretches especially when she’s waiting at an airport.
It’s Deepika Padukone, so you won’t hear people complaining but this is weird. And would be creepy if it weren’t Deepika f***ing Padukone. Or is it still?

I have so many feelings right now.
11. Sushmita Sen not only has a snake but she apparently likes taking baths in the open.
Sushmita Sen loves snakes, which is cool because snakes are really beautiful creatures, especially when they are not inside your house but hey, I ain’t rich enough to bath in the open, so what do I know?

Never meet your heroes, they say. That’s nonsense, I would still lose my mind if I meet even one of the people on the list. Well, maybe not Alicia Silverstone. I am sure, she’s cool but I just haven’t watched her work.