Mumbai is said to be one of the most happening cities in India, but very few people know why. I am sure that many of you have been, lived, passed by, thrown up at, smoked up around and done many fun things in Bandra, but you have to live there to truly get why it’s so awesome.
So whether you are Mr. Gonzalves from Chapel Road, Ms. Pereira from Pali, you know you’re a Bandra Bugger WHEN…
1. You know the phrase “Cun men George put tru, put tru men, you bugger” or “Fudder in-laws awlas” as synonyms for “pass the ball George” and “father in laws balls.”
2. You know exactly where this place is.
3. You have cursed this bleddy Sharukh khan for blocking all the traffic, especially during the Bandra Fair time.
4. You have seen Jazzy Jo’ play his trumpet around Bandra, for sure!
5. You know that nothing can ever taste better than boneless chicken Biryani at Janata, especially after 6 beers and some rum!
6. You have seen this lady on your way to work or school. Her name’s Anita Lobo, she is Mumbai’s only female traffic warden and she has vowed to make Bandra a better place.
8. You have said “What men bleddy bugger, making jam on bandstand” to this guy more than once of all the people who keep hanging outside his house!
9. And last but not the least, you are a true Bandra Bugger if you have raced on Carter Road and escaped cartoon characters like him.
Arre, that’s all men – go work now – don’t bleddy procrastinate!