A mother shares a special bond with her children. But a daughter shares a really, really special bond with her father. Here are a few signs that you share that special connection with your Dad as well.
1. You could have taken your driving lessons from “Ramesh Bhaiya” of XYZ Driving School, but you preferred to take them from your dad.

2. You love your mother as much as you love your dad but when it comes to keeping secrets, your daddy’s your diary.

3. PTA meetings in school were more like “Daddy-Saving-My-Ass-Day” because of the way he wrestled with your teachers.

4. Your favourite shopping spree partner is your father as he can not only give you a guy’s P.O.V on your dresses but can also carry more bags than your mother can.

5. And of course, you have his credit cards, debit cards and cash at your disposal.

6. You know your dad cracks the lamest jokes but that never stops you from laughing like a lunatic.

7. No matter how low you’re feeling, he is always able to make you smile.

8. Your dad is super protective of you when it comes to guys.

9. And you’re cool with it because you know he only has your best interests at heart and about 20 more years of experience on you.

10. The two of you have inside jokes that no one else in the family understands.

11. If your dad likes something, you know you’re going to like it.

12. You like to steal clothes from his closet more than your mother’s.

13. You don’t mind listening to his lectures on leading a healthy life.

14. As a child, he fixed your toys. Now, you help him deal with his phone.

15. You just know that your Dad’s the best man you’ll ever meet and he’s always going to be your hero.

16. No matter how old you get, you’ll always be your daddy’s little princess!

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