Days after doctors at Mumbai’s JJ Hospital confirmed television actress, Pratyusha Bannerjee was pregnant before she allegedly committed suicide, her boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh has said the abortion was a mutual decision taken by them, since they were in a live-in relationship and not married, The Times Of India reports. 

He said: 

“After she told me that she had missed her periods, we went to the doctor for the pregnancy test. However, we mutually decided to abort it since we were not married and only living in together… We decided to terminate the pregnancy thinking about our future as we were planning to get married in November.”
b’Source: YouTube’

Singh also said in the interview that sometimes they fought like a normal couple, but never thought of ending the relationship. 

According to him, the actress was depressed due to the huge debts she had to pay. Her loans weren’t paid off and she was too young to handle so much pressure, Singh said in the interview.