How often does it happen that you find that old box of memories, the one that’s filled with your school report cards, class photographs and slam books and sit and wonder if you have changed?

Earlier yesterday, Deepika Padukone posted a series of pictures from the remarks section of her report cards and showered us with the best throwback ever and I’ll admit, she gave us major scholar Naina vibes.

Looking at her reports cards, we got nostalgic about our school days and realised that we all have been called “talkative” by our teacher atleast once in our school life.
Turns out, she always had a rebellious streak, just like most of the unconventional characters she plays.
It ain’t daydreaming if it comes true, right? This reminded us about all the sketches we drew at the back of our maths notebook sitting on the last seat.
Netizens obviously couldn’t get enough of DP’s back to school throwback.

Well, we’re glad that little Deepika Padukone didn’t let these remarks bring her down.