When Salman Khan’s real-life efforts to have Sarbjit Singh return to India was chopped from the film Sarbjit, most people assumed it had been done at the behest of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan as the actress did not want to be anywhere near her former lover.
Of course, it also led to speculation that there was still some bad blood between the two.
But now, unexpectedly, Aishwarya has come out in support of Salman Khan as the goodwill ambassador of India’s contingent to the upcoming Rio Olympics. The selection of the Bollywood superstar has been embroiled in controversy with Indians, celebs and sportspersons divided over whether the actor is an apt choice or not.
Publicly supporting him for the first time since their ugly breakup more than a decade ago, the actress has backed Salman by saying that he should be ‘recognised’.
“I have to say that anyone, who is doing good to represent the country or working or speaking or standing for the betterment of art, music or sports, is wonderful and the person needs to be recognised,” said Aishwarya to PTI when asked about her views on the controversy.
It’s not just Bachchan, Khan’s other ex-girlfriend, Katrina Kaif, has also supported him by saying that it is nothing new for the actor to be embroiled in controversies.