Filmmaking is a creative endeavour of grand proportions and a filmmakers’ dream often meets deadly compromise in order to play a safe bet. But here are a list of five movies that can give any Hollywood blockbuster a run for its big bucks. Films that have made it on grit, determination, and the courage to go beyond the storyboard.It is time, filmmakers unite and prepare to see the extent of what can be achieved without a godfather and may be with a little help from your friends. These are 5 movies (in no particular order) you may want to turn to for inspiration for your budget-movie miracle.

The Punisher: Dirty Laundry

Producer and fanboy Adi Shankar has put his weight behind several small budget films that can whip Hollywood out of the park. And The Punisher: Dirty Laundry is unique because after the 2004 film starring Thomas Jane, the 2012 unofficial fan-made sequel at a running time of 10 minutes and 15 seconds was also partly funded by Jane as the actor believed an official sequel would be disastrous. Good call we say.

Power Rangers

Fan films can stir controversy too. The short film spin-off from the widely popular cartoon show created waves for the bloody, gritty trailer of doom that was launched on the muscle of Adi Shankar and director Joseph Kahn. The Power Rangers are all grown up now, living in a world that is bleak and without much hope. In the film we see Pink Ranger Kimberly captured by the renegade Red Ranger Rocky in an exchange of words, flash backs and a deadly twist.

Captain Planet

Every 90s kid fondly remembers Captain Planet and his zealous Planeteers. And now we’re back ten years later, the Earth continues to disintegrate and it is time to call upon the Planeteers who had locked up their rings in the past. The fan-made trailer by director Jay Diaz has its heart in the 90s which makes the 21st century story a bit goofy. But nostalgia trumps it all and you wish this was more than a mere dead-end trailer.

Dragon Ball Z: Light Of Hope

Although this is the pilot episode of a fan-made series it still counts, especially since it has been funded and produced by the fans. Directed by Donnie Mcmillin the series is an adaptation of The History Of Trunks. Goku and the other warriors are dead and we are following the story of Gohan and Trunks in their battle against the Androids. Bring it home already!

Spawn: The Recall

The chances are that you don’t remember the movie from the 90’s – the story of Spawn the demonic leader of Hells’ Army who turns good. The film was ahead of its time and is an example of high art and special effects of the 90s. And the fan film sets the bar for the new age with an evolved story with a surreal, dark mood set by fan and director Michael Paris.

If you are a closet filmmaker it’s time to come out. Move and get to it because India Film Project is giving you the opportunity to make the most of your amateur talent with a 50 hour filmmaking competition. Register before September 15.