Unpopular opinion: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the best on-screen adaptation of the web-slinging superhero ever. And if you disagree, well, the film’s recent Oscar win holds testament to the fact. 


And if you couldn’t witness this gem of a movie, YouTube has your back. Announcing its release on Blu-Ray and digital streaming services, Sony Pictures released the first 9-minutes of the film which drip in the sweet nectar of everything good. 

We get the same old back story – Peter gets bitten by a radioactive spider…

…and the ‘With great powers come great responsibilities’ lecture from Uncle Ben.

He dons his iconic mask before embarking for yet another web-slinging adventure.

He glides across his city, sweeping troublemakers off from streets.

And this montage which you may remember from Spider-Man 2.

During his career, he has fought a lot of crime…

…and by a lot, I mean 20 years!

Anyhow, he finds the love of his life, Mary Jane…

…becomes a pop-cultural icon…

…and recalls this cringy moment from his life of fighting crime.

Switch to Miles Morales…

…a seemingly regular teenager who prepares for the first day at his new school.

He meets some old friends on the way…

…only to trip and fall in front of his cop father’s car.

From this point forth, a string of embarrassing moments ensue for him.

His friends tease him for being at the backseat of the cop’s car…

…and he gets stopped dead in the tracks just to say, “I love you,” back to his father.

He finds himself to be a fish out of water…

…struggles to cope with his hectic schedule…

But in the end, finds a friend in Gwen, the only person who subscribes to his kinda humour.

But not even his father could contain this rebel kid who sneaks out to visit his uncle.

You can watch the first 9 minutes here:

Screenshots have been taken from the YouTube video.