Game of Thrones is coming to an end this year. And as fans, sadness and a sinking feeling of loneliness are expected, given the lack of an entertaining future to look forward to.


But hey, HBO is doing us one final favour by releasing a 2-hour documentary called Game of Thrones: The Last Watch, that chronicles the making of the final season. 

Which means that following the series finale on the 19th of May, you can get a detailed account of the making of the last season. According to E! News, this documentary will be aired on the 26th of May. 


The feature documentary will tell the story of the cast and the crew as they push through extreme weather, tough deadlines, deep secrets and a fandom whose hunger for inside information and spoilers cannot be contained.

Syfy Wire

Speaking to reporters, HBO said:

(This is) much more than a ‘making of’ documentary, this is a funny, heartbreaking story, told with wit and intimacy, about the bittersweet pleasures of what it means to create a world–and then have to say goodbye to it.
Soap Dirt

One last time, then?