If you’re on the internet, it is impossible that you missed the TikToks and Instagram reels going around about Sex/Life, the Netflix show that has quite a self-explanatory title. 


But what is all the buzz about? We’ve all watched 365 Days, Game Of Thrones and 50 Shades Of Grey, is Sex/Life somehow more scandalising? YES. It has full frontal nudity almost in all the episodes – and a lot more. 

The show tells the story of a young mother of two who is tired of her boring married life and decides to revisit her ‘wild’ past by writing about her sexual exploits with her bad-boy ex-boyfriend. So it’s basically a sex journal? But then her husband reads it. *cue gasp* 


However, despite being scandalised, he starts using the book as an instructions manual to spice up their sex life. That’s just twisted. 

The show is R-rated, obviously. But bold that R and underline it as well. This show is soft porn, there, I said it. It has multiple explicit scenes, lovers from the past, exceptionally toxic men and so much unnecessary drama. Having said that, it is quite clear that nobody is watching it for its “interesting” storyline. 


Episode 3 is what everyone is talking about. And we’re gonna tell you why. Because this woman’s husband, goes and creeps on her ex-boyfriend in the shower room to see how ‘packed’ he is. And they show, they show you how packed he is. 

Now, the creator of the show, Stacy Rukeyser confirmed that they did not use a body double for the scene. But she didn’t say how much of it was true. A member of the prosthetics team confirmed to Newsweek that a prosthetic was indeed used during the scene. 

People usually ask is it real or is it a prosthetic? And I can tell you what Adam Demos says about it which is, a gentleman never tells. So, we are leaving that up to the viewer’s imagination.

-Stacy Rukeyser

The agenda behind the series is quite clear in its title – that’s the reason why it is in the top 10 shows in India right now and is being streaming excessively across the world. 


Should you watch it? Sure, if you’re looking for some mindless show to binge while you’re lonely during the pandemic, go for it.