The recent Aankhen 2 launch event held at Mumbai has left actress Ileana D’Cruz upset. Reportedly, the film’s producer Gaurang Doshi falsely claimed that the Rustom actress will also be a part of the film when the reality was quite the opposite. Ileana is contemplating on taking legal action against the producer, reports DNA

It all started when a video featuring the actress was aired at the mahurat claiming she is doing the film, while the actress was absent from the event. 

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Reportedly, Ileana declined the film and the announcement was made without her permission or knowledge. She learnt about the development only when she started receiving congratulatory messages for the film. 

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Elaborating on the issue an industry insider told DNA,

“For years now, people have stopped having lavish events to announce films. The only reason to have one is for the producer to rake in money. When a maker announces a film with a big star cast, he can impress investors to part with moolah. It’s just a money game, then whether the film gets made or not, the producer has got his hands on enough money.”

Ileana’s manager also has confirmed that she is not a part of the film.