The first time actress Lindsay Lohan was spotted with a Quran in her hand in 2015, it raised a storm on social media. Many back then had only hinted that the troubled actress who is in and out of rehab and battling legal issues may have finally found peace in Islam.

b’File Image/source: Reuters’

Two years later, Lindsay who has been going through a deep sense of introspection with this ‘period of renewal’ as her management reported, has not only scrubbed clean her previous posts on social media accounts but also greeted her patrons with a typical Arabic response to a hello, ‘Alaikum Assalam’ .

Lohan had relocated to Dubai a while ago where she is said to be starting her life afresh. In a recent interview to CNN, Lohan had talked about her charity work with refugee camps in Turkey and Middle East. Also about her move to UAE and how she likes the fact that ‘strong women’ are appreciated in the country.

Buzz is that the actress would be setting up her production company in Dubai while she continues volunteering at Syrian refugee camps in Turkey.

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So far Lindsay has only hinted about her embracing Islam. An official confirmation on the same is awaited.