Thanks to globalization, India’s metros and mini-metros boast of gigantic and shiny corporate offices and a thriving MNC culture. Here are a few signs that you’re a part of the global corporate machine.
1. ‘Sleep’ is rarer to you than Plutonium.

2. You day dream about quitting your job and backpacking across the world.

3. You live for weekends.

4. Salary credit SMSes are better than an “I Love You.”

5. Breakfast for you is like the season of “Spring” in India; everybody loves it, but nobody’s ever seen/experienced it.

6. In descending order of suckyness: Early morning flight + meeting.

7. The end of the financial year is still exam time for you. Some things never change.

8. Articles such as this actually make you nervous; “10 Signs That You’re Headed For Chronic Back Pain.”

9. You always have these things in your travel bag; black-shoe polish and brush, at least three ties and a tiny clothes iron.

10. You actually rue the demise of Blackberry.

11. You now feel that half of what you learnt in your M.B.A does not apply to the real world.

12. Half your work hours are spent reserving meeting rooms. The other half is spent sitting in them.

13. Caffeine is to you what spinach is to Popeye.

14. You have a surfeit of the following colours in your wardrobe in varying shades; white, black, blue and grey.

15. For you, LinkedIn > Facebook.

16. Your bag has so many airline stickers that you’ve forgotten what colour it was.

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