We’ve all seen those crazy ass shows on AXN where they show these shoplifters, theives and con artists pulling off decidedly stupid and moronic heists. We laughed and cringed as they made complete fools out of themselves on CCTV cameras. Since we’re total vellas, we scrounged the internet to find out whether some of our Indian brethern had done us proud in this field as well. As it turns out, they have. See for yourselves!
1. This guy just couldn’t resist them sunglasses. Look how he shadily pockets those Ray-Bans lyingon the counter. Not too bright bro.
2. Now here’s something you don’t see everyday. Perfectly well to do, middle class women nicking cosmetics from a pharmacy. Or is this common? Not sure.
3. These two women seem to be pros. It took them some time, but the “gold diggers” pulled off the heist just fine. If only they knew about the camera.
4. In this one, the whole family gets in on the action. The husband stands watch with the child while the wife gets herself “a five finger discount” by stuffing all sorts on stuff into her… ahem… clothing.
5. This one takes the cake. Or should we say, takes the beer. Just how she managed to pull that off or rather, pull that in, is still a mystery.