Bollywood actress Kajol is known for speaking her mind. She has always been very forthcoming with her opinions on society, films etc.

The actress has always been very vocal about patriarchy in Bollywood industry and her feminist approach


Kajol in her off-screen life has always exemplified as an educated person. However recently in an interview while speaking about her two children Nysa and Yug, the actress’s comments have left us confused:

They always complain. If they had their way, I would be sitting at home 24/7. My son tells me, ‘Mama, I like it when I enter the house and see you waiting for me’. I think every child wants their mother to be their bai (maid). 

Of course children love spending time with their parents. But to say they want moms to be their bai is a little too far-fetched . We definitely hope Kajol didn’t really mean it like that.