Life in the Bollywood has not been easy for Kangana Ranaut but that has never been an excuse for her to stop from getting what she wanted. The actress who recently won her third national award will invite women from all over the country to share their inspiring stories of survival, The Indian Express reported.

The campaign #BeMoreHuman, sponsored by an activewear brand that Kangana endorses, will feature the feisty actress and stories of other brave women who fought against all odds and are a leading example to society. In an effort to inspire every Indian woman to lead a better and a fit life. 

The campaign, in which Kangana will be seen in a never-before-avatar – fit and fearless- aims to inspire women to become better versions of themselves, not just physically but also mentally and socially. It is a tribute to the modern day Indian woman, telling her that she is fit to rise above stereotypes and carve out her own destiny.

The best stories will be promoted on popular digital platforms and will also have their own web episodes.

b’Source: YouTube’

Kangana said in a statement,

“I am thrilled to partner on this unique journey and look forward to encouraging millions of women to share their inspiring stories. I was a small town girl with big dreams and I had the courage and conviction to fulfill them. I am not the only one who has battled all odds and come out on the top. I truly believe in the limitless potential that every woman possesses to be fit physically, mentally and socially. I hope my story can help them come out and share their own”.

The actress has recently been in news for her legal battle with Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan. Amidst the ugly war, she faced innumerable accusations including being ‘dominant’, ‘practicing black magic’ etc, but none of these broke her spirit. She went on to bag her third National Award. She emerged, in the eyes of most, a courageous woman, who can stand up and speak for herself.

This is perhaps called making hay while the sun shines. A very smart brand strategy indeed. Talk about good timing, and Kangana nails it everytime.