He first won over our hearts as a supermodel, back in the 90s and even though he’s no longer modeling, he remains the crush of every 90s girl in India. Yes, his drop-dead-gorgeous looks help him retain his dream-man status but every few months, Milind Soman also manages to achieve a feat that’d be almost impossible for men half his age! 

He won the Ironman trophy in Zurich in 2015 which is the world’s toughest triathlon.

He then went ahead to finish the BMW Berlin Marathon where he finished a distance of 42.2 kms in 4 hours and 32 minutes.

He is closely associated with Pinkathon, India’s largest women’s run.

And now, the man has added another laurel to this list.

Soman, who is now 51, recently finished the marathon, Ultraman Florida, where he finished 10 kms swimming, 421 kms cycling and 84.4 kms running in a span of 3 days.

His mother was there with him in Florida to support him in this endeavour.

The man’s fitness at 51 is quite inspirational!