This Wednesday’s Modern Family will include an openly transgender child actor. In the upcoming episode – “A Stereotypical Day” – parents Cameron “Cam” (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) permit their daughter Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) to have her transgender friend Tom over for a play-date.
Both parents are filled with pride that they have done well in raising an accepting and open-minded child. But that pride quickly diminishes when Lily insults her friend, which they use as a teachable moment.
Lily’s playmate Tom will be played by 8-year-old transgender actor Jackson Millarker.
Ryan Case, who directed “A Stereotypical Day, posted this shot of Millarker on set. “This is Jackson Millarker,” Case announced. He’s 8 years old, from Atlanta, and just happens to be transgender. He plays Lily’s friend Tom in this week’s Modern Family and he’s wonderful. One of the many reasons I love being a part of this show.”
“Modern Family” has had 77 Emmy nominations and taken home 22 of the awards. The ABC sitcom is tied with “Frasier” for most wins in the Outstanding Comedy Series category (2010-2014). “Modern Family” premiered in Sept. 23, 2009. It’s currently in it’s eighth season.
Other shows that have transgender characters on screen played by transgender actors include “Orange Is The New Black” and “Nashville,” but in adult roles, not child roles. Transgender teen Jazz Jennings, 15, has her own reality show on TLC, “I Am Jazz.”