Way before Frozen was even a thing, Disney gave us its most empowering character in the form of Mulan. Far ahead of its time, Mulan taught an entire generation of girls how it’s okay to be different and ending up with a boy is not the ultimate goal in life. 

20 years on, it still remains one of the most woke Disney films and possibly the most deserving of a live-action remake, owing to how beautifully it has aged without losing relevance.

Which is why the teaser has us all excited about the upcoming live-action Mulan.  

Set against the backdrop of medieval China, the teaser evokes the same historic feel of the country at war with the Huns.

Like in the animated film, amidst the socio-political unrest a fierce Mulan shines through, evoking all the cheers and applause it previously did.

Can’t wait to relive this empowering AF film!

The live-action Mulan is slated to release in March 2020.