Filmmaker Neeraj Ghaywan has announced that he and lyricist Varun Grover will donate their National Award prize money towards the relief work being carried out for distressed farmers in Maharashtra.
While Ghaywan received the best debut director honour at the 63rd National Awards for Masaan, Grover picked the best lyricist award for Moh Moh Ke Dhaage (Dum Laga Ke Haisha).
Ghaywan got Rs 1.25 lakh as cash prize and Grover was rewarded with Rs 50,000.
Here’s what Ghaywan tweeted.
Me and @varungrover have decided to donate our National Award prize money towards relief work for distressed farmers in Maharashtra.
— Neeraj Ghaywan (@ghaywan) May 4, 2016
Out of the 1.25 Lakh prize money, I will donate 50,000. Together, me and @varungrover will donate 1 Lakh rupees.
— Neeraj Ghaywan (@ghaywan) May 4, 2016
Of course, it’s a small amount, but my intent to make it public is to draw attention to agrarian crisis & encourage possible contributions.
— Neeraj Ghaywan (@ghaywan) May 4, 2016
And this is what Varun Grover said:
Thanks for the wishes. Me & @ghaywan have decided to donate our National Awards cash-prize money for the relief of farmers in Maharashtra.
— वरुण (@varungrover) May 4, 2016
Am donating all of it (INR 50k) & combined with @ghaywan‘s it’ll be INR 1L. We’ll find a credible channel so that it reaches the most needy.
— वरुण (@varungrover) May 4, 2016
I know it’s just a drop in the ocean & the situation needs much more involvement (and not just cash), but at the moment this HAD to be done.
— वरुण (@varungrover) May 4, 2016
Also chose to make it public mainly to inspire others. If nothing else, just read about the string of crises our farmers face every year.
— वरुण (@varungrover) May 4, 2016
It’s not the amount of money, it’s the gesture that everyone should follow.