Filmmaker Neeraj Ghaywan has announced that he and lyricist Varun Grover will donate their National Award prize money towards the relief work being carried out for distressed farmers in Maharashtra. 

While Ghaywan received the best debut director honour at the 63rd National Awards for Masaan, Grover picked the best lyricist award for Moh Moh Ke Dhaage (Dum Laga Ke Haisha). 

Ghaywan got Rs 1.25 lakh as cash prize and Grover was rewarded with Rs 50,000. 

b’Varun Grover & Neeraj Ghaywan at the National Awards ceremony. Image source/bollywoodbbubble’

Here’s what Ghaywan tweeted. 

And this is what Varun Grover said:

It’s not the amount of money, it’s the gesture that everyone should follow.