In the last couple of weeks, there has been too much chatter around nepotism and Bollywood. A phenomenon that perhaps plagues our entire society, crippling us at every level. Who doesn’t lay a claim on their successful parents to help themselves in their career?
But you are someone’s daughter or son, only up to a point. In this big bad world, you need to carve out your own identity. And there is someone from within the industry who is walking that talk. Neena Gupta is an award winning actress, writer, director. An accomplished, self-made woman.
This is her post on Instagram.
A national award winning actor asking for work. And no, it doesn’t pain us to see this post, it makes us almost swell with pride to see how a woman her age, with all her talent, is not shy about asking for work. A living example that real success doesn’t make you arrogant, it makes you humble. That when you love your craft and have faith in your talent, no one can deny you an opportunity, and if they do, ask for it. Ask for what you think you deserve.
This post perhaps is an inspiration to all of us, who let our egos in the way of our work.
Her daughter, Masaba Gupta, a leading fashion designer in her own right, posted this with pearls of wisdom from her mother. This doting daughter obviously is a proud one, for her mother is leading the way that many have often found difficult to tread. Masaba writes,
My mother put up this post on her Instagram today. I mean, my 62yr old national award winning mother. She told me I must always work .. no matter what .. it keeps you from getting old…she told me they don’t write for women her age anymore … I don’t think anyone can replicate what she did for TV anymore.. she complains that she can’t do PR .. but says ‘I do good work,that’s my PR’.
The one piece of advice Neena Gupta has for her daughter?
Whatever you do, free ka PR mat khaana, you’re only someone’s kid/wife/niece/sister for this long. Prove yourself. WORK. Walk the talk & fly.
The post since then has garnered a lot of positive response from her fans, inspiring many, even Priyanka Chopra.

Neena Gupta, tearing boundaries and paving the way, always.