The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has a way with the internet. Recently, the 48-year-old took the internet by a storm with his gorgeous hair flip during a speech and we’ve got to agree, he had us swooning. 

This isn’t the first time he has gone viral, he has a knack for sucking us in with his irresistible charm! Here are some of our favourite Trudeau moments from the last few years:

1. The time he did a boxing match for charity, and won. Is there anything this man can’t do?

2. When he did a one arm push-up, a mic-drop and the nicest trash talk ever

3. When he did a ‘peacock’ pose because he’s really into yoga

4. The time we found out he is the first world leader with a tattoo

5. When he got really into cuddling with pandas and we couldn’t hold back the ‘awwws’


6. The time when he casually explained quantum computing during a press conference and made every nerd girl in the world squeak. 

7. The way he looks at his kids melts our hearts every single time

8. When the world was exposed to a younger Justin & we were NOT prepared

9. When he did this on ‘take your kid to work’ day

10. The time he wished everyone a happy Diwali and looked gorgeous in a sherwani

11. Every single time he is a part of a pride parade, he wins

12. When he casually breaks into a bhangra whenever he gets the chance

13. The time we found out that Justin has actually acted in a war docu-drama before, titled The Great War. Where he played the role of Talbot Papineau, the Canadian general.

14. When he and his family visited India and made sure to stop by all the important monuments. Also, Hadrien blatantly not giving a damn had us saying, same. 

15. The time he formed Canada’s first gender-equal cabinet with an equal number of men, and women. It also had a great deal of cultural diversity. 

The Guardian

Our favourite is still the panda cuddling picture.