
This one word alone has the strange ability to make many of us uncomfortable. Channels are changed and conversations turn into murmurs when people talk about periods in the open.

At a time when our country is trying to break taboos about menstruation, comes this surprisingly-refreshing Bollywood movie, Phullu. 

The trailer shows the lead character going all out to help the women in his village, even at the risk of being ostracized by the society. He doesn’t give up even when his own mother and wife go against him, failing to understand why he is getting involved in something that only concerns women.  

Before Akshay Kumar’s Padman, which is also based on a similar topic, hits theatres, this relatively-small film promises a thought-provoking social drama that deserves to be seen. 

Watch the trailer of the movie here:

The film stars starring Sharib Ali Hashmi, Jyotii Sethi and Nutan Surya and is slated for a June 16 release.