What women wear is nobody’s business but both you and I know society doesn’t think so. A bra peeking out of a woman’s attire rings alarm bells for people & sets the ball of judgement rolling.

Swastika Jajoo poem, ‘If A Bra Strap Could Talk’ for UnErase Poetry, succinctly touches upon the exact same issue. 

With an acute observation of the illogical perceptions the world has, Swastika introduces her topic – of what bra straps would say know if they could talk. 

In a spirited tone, she raises valid concerns over how an innocent strap is put under intense scrutiny, all under the guise of ‘concern’ – but it is actually a reflection of the patriarchal gaze that currently ‘infects’ the society. 

She ends her poem with a hard-hitting response to what bra straps – that are put under such intense inspection – should ideally be used for in this world. Watch the complete piece here

Design credits: Nupur Agrawal