Out of the many actresses who speak out fearlessly and set great examples for others, Gul Panag has definitely been one to do so with boldness and confidence. In fact, she recently posted on her IG setting yet another example for the rest of us.  

Indulge Express

In the post, the actor has spoken about how she has bad days just like the rest of us. Along with it, she’s uploaded a selfie of herself sans makeup or without trying to be a more presentable version of herself. Gul Panag wrote on how some days she too needs to cry out the tough days. 

I have some tools that I’ve acquired over the years that help me cope with bad days. One is to go for a run (not a workout, because that takes greater will). The second is to hit pause, and quickly list out 5 things I’m grateful for in that moment.

-Gul Panag

Here’s the post she shared.  

We think it’s commendable that she has gone ahead and mentioned that she isn’t always slaying and achieving her goals, and there are times she needs to pause to look after her well-being and mental health. The actor also made it a point to say that no one truly has it together, and TBH that’s fine.

Some days you’ve got to choose to sit it out.