The storyline of this teenage-drama revolves around the suppressed dreams and fantasies of a class topper, Asha ( Prajakta Koli) and how her daydreams see a bleak opening when there are sports trials for a girl’s team.
Set in a stereotypical environment, Asha fights against everyday casual sexism prejudices to follow her ambitions. She’s faced with comments like women who play sports have a broken “seal” and have a tough time getting married.
The film is driven by strong female characters who empower Asha to fuel her dreams. A teacher who risks her job to help Asha practice and a mother who always understands her needs and pushes her to do her best.
With immense hard work and various failures, Asha doesn’t give up. With the help of her coach, she manages to be an extra in the team.
Towards the end of the film, we discover Asha’s real desires.Getting into sports was the only acceptable way for her to experience wearing shorts for the first time.
I had goosebumps when she finally tried on her uniform and looked into the mirror. It was a very liberating scene.
Looking at the bigger picture, the film further reflects upon the ongoing gender-based oppression brewing in our society that curbs the dreams and desires of young women.
Watch the short film here:
With her perfectly aced Haryanvi dialect, her flawless acting and dwelling upon the social issue of gender-inequalities, Prajakta Koli has managed to make a mark with her acting debut.
All images are sourced from YouTube unless mentioned otherwise.