There’s no dearth of people who’ll pull you down even when you’re doing your best. And if you’re a celebrity, the scrutiny and nitpicking is never ending. 

Priyanka Chopra has been enjoying her most prolific year and after attending the Toronto International Film Festival, the actress, who’s also a UNICEF Goodwill ambassador, headed to Jordan to meet Syrian refugee kids.

She interacted with Syrian refugee children affected by the violence and civil war in their homeland. Jordan has given shelter to millions of Syrian refugees and Chopra took to Twitter and shared a series of posts about the time she spent in the region with the kids. 

PC posted pictures of kids, teaching them some words.

And photos of the kids she met. 

While she was busy encouraging the Syrian refugee kids, a man decided to discount her efforts by tweeting that she should rather visit the impoverished areas of India.   

But the former Miss World isn’t one to take such things lying down and has always stood up to haters. 

She gave a fitting response to the man and you bet he’s going to remember it forever.

PC knows how it’s done!