Ranbir Kapoor’s new avatar for his upcoming biopic based on the life of Sanjay Dutt has been going viral. But the film and the actor are in the news for disrupting daily lives around their shoot location.

A massive traffic jam triggered outside actor Sanjay Dutt’s Mumbai residence in Pali Hill on Wednesday after the team of filmmaker Raju Hirani blocked the road for shooting a sequence of his biopic, starring Ranbir Kapoor. 

b’Image Source: Twitter/Ahmad khanxe2x80x8f’

According to a report filed by Mumbai Mirror, the shoot was interrupted for almost 40 minutes by the angry residents as even after repeated requests, the film unit didn’t clear the way for the commuters. They then, reportedly took to the streets and even parked their cars in between the shooting spots. 

A source has also been quoted in the report as saying that Ranbir left the spot as soon as the chaos erupted. 

The shoot reportedly was resumed only after filmmaker Raju Hirani apologized and requested the irked residents to allow his team to shoot for a few more minutes. And as per the report, he even assured them of getting the littered road clean by his staff. 

The report has quoted Madhu Poplai, the secretary of Pali Hill Residents’ Association, as saying that due permissions were not taken by the film unit and the road was blocked by them only because Ranbir was supposed to drive a Ferrari into Imperial Heights Tower in Pali Hill as a part of the scene. The rest of the shoot as per the report, was to be shot inside the house. 

While the title of the biopic is yet to be decided, the film produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra is expected to be released this December.