From short films and web series on YouTube to becoming the lead on an Amazon Prime Video original, Ritwik Bhowmik has come a long way. With his latest role, where he played Radhe Rathore in Bandish Bandits, the actor managed to grab a few eyeballs, and steal all our hearts. 

His effortless screen presence and that million dollar smile has us gushing over his boy-next-door role. Not to mention his adorable fumbling and shyness while romancing his co-star in the web series, Shreya Chaudhary. 

I’m not the quintessential hero. But Amazon Prime Video is giving actors like me an opportunity, because they don’t have to bank upon us. They just have to look for raw talent – whether you can act and if you fit the role.

-Radhe Rathore told Grazia

If you feel like you’ve seen him before, chances are that you probably have. Ritwik has been a part of a few short films by Dice Media, starred in web content by FilterCopy and Just Human Things. 

The actor confessed that his interest in acting began at the age of 3-4, when he watched Shahrukh Khan in Baazigar. And by the time he turned 9-10, he was already actively involved in theatre. But what suprised us the most about this actor is that he actually had his own boy band and once taught dance at a Shiamak Davar institute. His moves will leave you gushing over him! 

Ritwik was one of the 150 boys who auditioned for the role of Radhe in Bandish Bandits. And aren’t we glad that he was the one we got to see play the interesting character. Here’s hoping we get to see more of this talented actor and his infectious smile soon.