Hollywood star Ryan Reynolds posted a moving tribute to a young fan, 13-year-old Connor McGrath, who died recently after a protracted battle with cancer. 

The actor posted on Facebook,

“I’m grateful I got to orbit Connor’s world for a brief time. Grateful for the pages and pages of hilarious texts between us. Grateful to his parents for allowing Connor to spend time with a foul-mouthed child in the body of a 39 year old.
We met because he loved Deadpool. In a certain sense he WAS Deadpool. Or, at least everything Deadpool aspires to be; balancing pain, fearlessness, love and a filthy (filthy!) sense of humor in one body. I wish he could’ve stuck around a lot longer.”
b’Source: Facebookxc2xa0′

Reynolds had earlier met McGrath when he surprised the teenager at Edmonton, Canada. The two were brought together through the non-profit organisation Make-A-Wish Foundation, which works towards fulfilling the desires of sick or dying children. 

“Because of his wish, Connor was the first person to see Deadpool,” Reynolds wrote in his post.

Read the full tribute here: