After Salman Khan filed a complaint with Mumbai’s civic body on people defecating near his apartment in the suburb of Bandra, the civic body has now roped him in as the face of their anti-open defecation campaign.
As a part of the campaign, Salman’s Being Human has committed to donate five mobile toilets to the BMC which will be stationed in the Bandstand area where the actor lives.
Khan will also be actively helping the municipal corporation in their efforts to rid the city of open defecation.
The Times Of India reports that Khan is likely to meet Municipal Commissioner Ajoy Mehta soon and decide the details of the campaign.
Civic officials told the newspaper that when they met the actor, he had expressed concern about the health hazard posed by open defecation to the residents of Bandstand as well as the number of tourists visiting the area.
It’s a welcome development, given one evening just a few years ago when Salman and his friend Aamir Khan posted this photo on social media: