Netflix’s Mindhunter, undoubtedly is one of the creepiest shows we have seen in the recent past. The show is basically based on a series of conversations between two FBI agents and a bunch of America’s most violent murderers. The people you read about on Wikipedia, come alive on the show and it is hauntingly captivating. 

One person who stands out, is the big and burly Ed Kemper.


The mild-mannered inmate chooses his words carefully and claims that the cops like him. In a famous bit from the show, Kemper talks about his love for cop shows and how they helped him identify how cops think, and temper his Modus Operandi accordingly.


Now a video is doing the rounds on the internet that compares the real Ed Kemper with the reel Kemper and honestly, it is eerily similar. 


In this side-by-side comparison with the killer’s actual footage by Thomas Flight, shows how the writers borrowed the actual lines and wove it seamlessly into the dialogue. You can watch the whole video here:

Kemper, a highly-intelligent killer butchered 10 people over a decade-long span in the 60s and 70s, and is portrayed by Cameron Britton in the show and he nails the portrayal.

With the BTK killer and Charles Manson in the offing – there is a lot to look forward to in Mindhunter.