The thing about entertainment and film industries is that the beauty standards that they adhere to are absolutely horrendous. Beauty standards of any kind are corrosive, but the film industry is known to play devil’s advocate for the norm. We’ve seen so many celebrities talk about how they’ve dealt with harsh criticism about their appearance, and honestly, it’s heartbreaking.

This is especially more prevalent among women celebs, because as we know, the patriarchy has made harsh beauty standards its favourite torture tool.

And a recent statement made by actor Shehnaaz Gill has highlighted this even more. During an event to promote her latest film Thank You For Coming, Gill talked about how you have to look a certain way to survive in the Indian film industry.

The actor said that you’ve to maintain a specific physique to be able to fit into designer clothes. And while we understand that she was simply speaking her mind, this says so much about how cruel the world is for women.

You can watch the entire video here:

It’s infuriating to see that in 2023, we’re still stuck on the lame beauty standards that existed 50 years ago. And it’s worth asking why women, especially women actors feel the need to maintain a certain kind of physical appearance? Just so they can fit into designer clothes?

You can watch the rest of the interview here.

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