The last time we heard about Shekhar Suman and his son Adhyayan was when the whole Kangana-Hrithik ugly affair made headlines. The Sumans had lashed out at the National Award-winning actress by opening up skeletons from the closet. Back then it all made for a juicy gossip. That was the only time when the Father-Son duo were given some attention by media and the audience alike. 

Close to a year later, they are back at it and how. This time even without taking names. Remember, Adhayayan had made a reference about Kangana’s tryst with substance abuse? Does that ring a bell?

Sample these cryptic tweets about a supposed ‘coke’ head posted by Shekhar Suman:

Everybody knows that despite a phenomenal performance in ‘Rangoon’, Kangana Ranaut’s latest outing is not really bringing in the moolah as quick as it should have at the box-office. Shekhar may have felt that it was best to not take a name. But then Twitter users were smart enough to read between the lines and help Suman understand the social media space better. 

In the face opportunity, Twitter was quick to take over and respond.

It was a regular day on social media till, son Adhyayan felt like it was time to come to his father’s rescue. Guess, the decision was bad. 

Here’s what led to a frenzy that calls for popcorn.

And if that wasn’t enough. Papa Suman came back to acknowledge the vitriol and the “paid twitteratis “(sic).

And after all the clarification and the mud slinging, came this tweet.

Well, who needs television when all the entertainment is right here on social media. Now all we want is the Queen to say something.