Amitabh Bachchan starrer PINK has been creating a lot of buzz ever since the release of it’s trailer. And now as the film hit screens a week ago it has managed to create a world wide impact propagating another movement and driving our focus on sexual harassment issues and the helplessness of victims.
Now Government of India plans to promote and strengthen the idea of Zero FIR through Shoojit Sircar’s hard hitting film PINK reported IANS , Shoojit Sircar told IANS,
“They (Law Ministry) are still strengthening this (Zero FIR law) and figuring out the basics of how to apply this but they are going to use the film as a platform and promote the Zero FIR, the FIR and the bail process that on a Saturday and Sunday, women and children will be heard at judge’s residence.”
Sircar further commented on how the victims can be helped,
“We spoke to the Law Minister. This FIR law is existing, but a lot of young women don’t know how to use this law. So the rule is that any given time if you go to the police station you will be heard and your FIR will be registered.”
“If something happens with a girl, say somewhere out in the (Bengal) districts and you are not able to register your FIR there, then there is a system called Zero FIR which a lot of women and men don’t know of. You can come into the city and still register the complaint. You can put that Zero FIR wherever you are.”
PINK has received a positive box office response invoking debates and opinions and striking a chord with the emotions of people.