Way before Game of Thrones, if there’s one show that introduced the concept of dead coming back to life, then it’s the good ol’ Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi.

Express Archive/ The Indian Express

And, even though I couldn’t possibly understand why the cast was crying or sacrificing all the time, it still holds a special place for me.  

Why? Because, unlike the ever-changing and never-ending storyline, the title song almost always got stuck in our minds. 

But there’s a twist to it as someone made a trap remix out of it, and I can’t just process this information. 

From the beats to its drop, the remix will get you hooked. 

It may not be for the right reasons, but you won’t be able to stop yourself from listening to it twice.


And, we’re no the only ones who like this. 


There exists a Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi EDM remix, I have seen all there is to see on the internet.